Blood Bowl Amazons
This week I managed a little burst of activity to finish up 5 Amazon players for Blood Bowl. I had started these last year, getting reasonably far before setting them aside and working on other th...
I’m Adam and this is a journal of my return to the hobby of miniature painting and gaming.
This week I managed a little burst of activity to finish up 5 Amazon players for Blood Bowl. I had started these last year, getting reasonably far before setting them aside and working on other th...
Kitbashed Stormcast players for Blood Bowl
One year into rediscovering the hobby, what have I managed to paint? 2024 was the year I rediscovered a love of Warhammer and oh, how I jumped back in when it comes to buying minis. ...
Since my last update in September, I’ve only managed a little progress with painting - the only new completed mini being the very quick ‘Skitarii Claus’ festive scheme I recently shared. ‘Or...
Instead of any of the three festive miniatures from GW that I need to build and paint, inspiration hit first on making a standard mini more Christmas-themed. And so, I present: Skitarii Claus...
Checking out the home of Warhammer
Last weekend I grabbed a copy of Combat Patrol magazine, issue #5, to get the Infernus Marine Sergeant model that’s currently exclusive to that series. Tonight I decided to assemble it — alon...
My painting table is generally a confusion of mismatched, incomplete miniatures and recent weeks have been no different. I only get short snippets of time for painting and I try to go with wh...
As so often with blogging, I had a good start to this blog and then all has gone quiet over the past couple of months . I have been making slow progress on a few things though, so...
I recently finished* painting the Valius model from the Saviours of Cinderfall boxed set and am really happy with how it turned out. Having finally assembled and primed a bunch of m...