Mini painting
Blood Bowl Amazons

This week I managed a little burst of activity to finish up 5 Amazon players for Blood Bowl.
I had started these last year, getting reasonably far before setting them aside and working on other things.
At last, I decided to get on and finish this batch of five and once I got going again it went reasonably smoothly. They’re only done to tabletop standard, so no huge amount of time spent edge highlighting, etc. but as I’d started them in the slapchop method, a reasonable amount of detail came for free through that.
Wanting to keep some level of jungle-ish feel, I decided to go for quite thick, long grass bases and I think that has worked OK.
For a couple, I had the grass stopping abruptly at an edge with muddy ground and that also worked nicely enough.
They’re not overtly jungle bases, but then I didn’t have any real jungle-themed materials available and didn’t want these to go back on the to-do shelf until I bought some. I’m rationalising it in my head as playing in a grassy clearing. Or something.
So here we are: 2 Eagle Warriors and a Piranha Warrior, Python Warrior and Jaguar Warrior apiece.