Mini painting
A Stormcast Eternals Blood Bowl conversion update

As so often with blogging, I had a good start to this blog and then all has gone quiet over the past couple of months .
I have been making slow progress on a few things though, so I thought I’d write about some recent bits to get this thing going again.
The Knight Incantor Blood Bowl conversion
In July, I wrote about converting a Stormcast Eternals Knight Incantor model for use in Blood Bowl. To end, I wrote about wanting to have another go at a more complex conversion, especially to sort out the feet and help the feeling of actually running rather than a standing character falling forwards.
I actually got straight into that second kitbash immediately after writing the blog post, while the inspiration was fresh. Second time around, with a ‘safe’ conversion already banked, I risked a lot more (especially given my total inexperience with kitbashing).
First up, the feet.

I had a few Vindictor models that came in an ebay job-lot but were pretty badly kitbashed as Evocators. That made them excellent candidate donors to my own kitbashing projects and one was in a nice forward lunge pose, meaning its foot was bent at the toe just as I was looking for.
Even better, it looked like the sizing would just about match up. So I made the cut to the Incantor leg, did the same with the Vindictor and then worked on pinning the foot into the right place. That left a nasty gap between the two that needed to be filled with green stuff. I really should have spent more time on this bit, but the model is primed now and I don’t think I can bring myself to start again with it. We’ll see how it paints up…
For the trailing foot, I wanted it angled backwards so just cut the foot off with a hobby knife and re-pinned it as a new angle. This again left a large gap to fill, and again I should have spent more time getting it right, but I’m hoping once painted it won’t be so obvious on the tabletop.
I trimmed the super-high Arcanum collar down to a more standard Stormcast collar, then got brave and clipped the head off to reposition it: rather than looking down, I pinned the head looking off to the side as if looking over her shoulder for an incoming throw (I think I’ll proxy these models as catchers).
I had a tricky job to fill in the gap around the neck with the head repositioned and with only liquid green stuff available to me, I got pretty lucky in how it turned out. I’ve learned liquid green stuff shrinks quite a bit as it sets, but in this case it created some fortuitous folds that look like she’s wearing a hood/neck gaiter under the helmet.
After that, it was filing in the large gaps in the robe where books or weapons would normally fit in and I was just about done.

Writing this post encouraged me to get on and paint this second mini up. I’ve been knocked out with Covid this week and after some shaky early attempts to get going, I eventually got enough of a rhythm to paint this up to a reasonable standard for me.

More Stormcast players?
In-between Averon and this Incantor, I had painted up the Vindictor ‘blitzer’. I’m pretty happy with him although I really still can’t paint eyes. Definitely an area for more practice.

At this point, I was up to 4 Stormcast players for Blood Bowl (the other Knight Incantor not painted yet).
One or two in a normal Human team could probably work as special players, but as the numbers start approaching half a team the size difference between a normal human and a Stormcast Eternal get too obvious.
So of course the answer is to keep going and aim for a full team of Stormcast Eternals!
I’m not in a hurry to get to that point, but I do like the conversions so far.
OK, one more
I also did a very minor conversion on one of the push-fit Vindictors they give away in the Warhammer shops as samples (the same ebay haul that gave me spare Incantors also included a bunch of these push-fit Vindictors).
I removed the shield and spear, then repositioned the right arm back slightly for a bit more of a threatening posture vs. its default ‘sentry’ look, which takes me up to 5 players - nearly a Sevens team!

This feels like a good lineman pose so I might work up another couple for that purpose. I’ve got two missing shields, so I might as well do something useful with them, right?