Another kitbash
I began another small Blood Bowl kitbash/conversion project this week.Inline nav will go hereIt’s not finished, but in the interests of getting some writing on this blog, I thought I’d share the w...
I began another small Blood Bowl kitbash/conversion project this week.Inline nav will go hereIt’s not finished, but in the interests of getting some writing on this blog, I thought I’d share the w...
By no means an original idea, I’ve been wondering for a while about converting Stormcast Eternals into Blood Bowl players. Finding myself with some spare miniatures that looked like they just...
In an attempt to update more regularly, here’s a quick snapshot of some progress I’ve made this week.I’ve been working on a Varag Goul-Chewer Blood Bowl model, in Ironjawz-style yellow, which is co...
I’ve just begun painting my Ossiarch Bonereaper warband, Kainan’s Reapers, after struggling to find a colour scheme that inspired me . I like the general aesthetic of the Ossiarch...
In the interests of getting things moving on this journal, I’m logging this quick observation: it’s really surprising how big a difference it makes to paint a simple coat of black round the rim of ...
Mini painting
Documenting my return to painting miniatures in the worlds of Warhammer.After roughly 25 years away from the hobby, I recently decided to try my hand at painting miniatures again.Over the years, I...