AP : Minis

Mini painting

Valius, the Keeper Aqshian

Fujifilm X-T3, 27.0mm, 1/120s, f/4.0, ISO 160

I recently finished* painting the Valius model from the Saviours of Cinderfall boxed set and am really happy with how it turned out.

Having finally assembled and primed a bunch of minis, this model stood out to me and I was keen to try a slightly different colour scheme to the box art. The more unique Stormcast character of Valius seemed a good opportunity to try out a darker, bronze-like armour scheme.

With the model primed Wraithbone, I started with a Balthazar Gold basefor the armour, shaded recesses with Agrax Earthshade and then experimented a little with highlight colour.

Photo of a Valius miniature on a painting table. The model has been undercoated an off-white colour and the armour painted a bronze-like colour. The model is off its base for painting, while the arm with shield is also separate, lying on the table.
Armour based in Balthazar Gold with some simple highlighting

Liberator Gold was far too yellow (see the kneepad above) and so I switched to Stormhost Silver for edge highlighting.

As for so many new painters, I find faces really difficult to paint, both in tones and just the tiny details involved. I had watched a tutorial on an ‘easy’ technique for faces and began with a dark base of Catachan Flesh for his head, intending to work up the layers to a much lighter tone. His beard got base coated in Dawnstone, to be layered up to a light grey later.

The Valius model during painting again. Now the shield has been painted with gold border and a light blue-green centre. The Stormcast symbol in the middle has been based gold.
Gold added to the shield and other detail elements.

Next up I based the gold elements: sword pommel, skull brooch on his chest, parts of the huge key over his shoulders and the rims of the shield. 

I wasn’t sure on an accent colour to go against the bronze armour, for the shield base and his cloak. A blue-green oxidised copper tone felt like it could work well, so I painted the shield base/background in (I think) Baharroth Blue. Once on though, it felt way too bright and light so I worked on deepening it with a couple of washes of Kroxigor Scales contrast paint.

Painting the cloak a similar green-blue and deepening the gold with a Reikland Fleshshade wash, then some edge highlighting with Stormhost Silver again, began to pull it together.

Coming together now: the model is mostly done, with the base started

With the Catachan Flesh as a base for his head, I actually liked that darker skin tone and decided to keep it, just using Bloodreaver Flesh and Bugman’s Glow as layers and highlights. Some Corax white carefully layered on the beard — a good first test of my new Artis Opus series S brushes — worked nicely to give the grey beard effect I was after.

Layering up the shield details, I really didn’t have a plan and felt my way into it. At a certain point, I had the strange idea of doing a wash of Kroxigor over part of the gold Stormcast face on the shield front. The green colour that resulted didn’t sit well with the darker blue-green behind it which panicked me slightly, so I left that and worked on the scrolls which came out really nice.

While doing the scrolls, I decided to drybrush some of the same off-white (Pallid Wych Flesh I think) over the green and it started to look OK, so I went with it. Using Agrax with a very fine brush to go round the edges really helped differentiate the details.

The sculpted base was relatively simple paint-wise but by the time I was done, I’m really happy with this paint job.

I’m still very early in my return to the hobby (around 20-25 minis painted) and am pleased to be getting much better results than I did as a teenager 25 years ago.

A fully-painted Valius miniature, close up against a white background.
The finished miniature
The finished miniature

* Well, mostly finished: I’ve spotted a couple of small details I missed and need to go back to. Back to the content

Written by Adam on

Adam is a Director of User Experience by day and photographer as time allows.

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