AP : Minis

Mini painting

Some painting progress

In an attempt to update more regularly, here’s a quick snapshot of some progress I’ve made this week.

I’ve been working on a Varag Goul-Chewer Blood Bowl model, in Ironjawz-style yellow, which is coming along quite nicely.

Besides that, I had the idea to try a San Francisco Giants-inspired colour theme on a Human Blitzer and I’m also pretty happy with that plan. I might try to make a Sevens team in this scheme as I’ve always loved the Giants colour palette. 

While starting to base the blitzer, I did the same for a lineman I painted weeks ago, as well as Varag. In a surprisingly productive, if scattershot day today, I also made a bit more progress on a couple of the Kainan’s Reapers models too. 

Written by Adam on

Adam is a Director of User Experience by day and photographer as time allows.

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